Apparently joining a run club is all the rage these days and some people even think it’s replacing the dating apps. I'm not sure if that is true, especially as I’m not in “that scene” in any capacity! 

That said, until about a year ago, I had never been a part of an “official” run club. Sure, there is some running that happens within my F3 men's group but those workouts are technically “bootcamps”. That being said and as F3 has grown and is based on a Free to Lead model, there are some actual running-specific workouts these days…. but I digress. Below I outline my path to jumping into Run Clubs and how you may find your way to one too. 

The Fear of Joining 

I spoke to a few people recently and they did have some fears when even considering joining a run club. I was honestly surprised to hear that. I mean, what is there to be afraid of? It’s just people getting together, and going for a run. Oh.. wait, perhaps it’s the issue of not being a “serious” runner.  Not competing in over a dozen 5k’s or half marathons or even a full marathon. Or maybe it’s the thought that I’m too slow or wearing the “wrong” shoes. Hmm.. okay, well.. actually in hindsight apparently I did have some concerns! 

Dark, Cold, and Good Coffee 

If you know me at all, you know that I’m an early riser and I like coffee. Also, if I don’t get my workout done in the morning, it’s apt not to happen. With that knowledge, my friend Kevin mentioned and invited me to a local run club that is organized by a local coffee shop. Though it was “early”, it was actually late for me (I’m usually out the door by 5am) starting at 6:30am, but I made it work. 

I remember that first morning vividly. I didn’t want to be late, and wasn’t exactly sure where I was going so I left with plenty of time to be early. Turns out the location was about 6 miles away and I was 30 mins early! So, I sat in my parked car and got super nervous. I actually considered going home!  I thought, Me? In a run club? Apparently so! 20 minutes later, people started pulling into the parking lot and setting out of their cars. No turning back now!  As it turns out, any fears that I did have were pretty much erased once I stepped out of the car and noticed other people looked just as anxious as myself, or maybe they were just cold! 

The Unexpected Surprise

What I had no idea of in joining a run club was the community that I would become a part of. It seriously surprised me. Though many if not most of my runs are solo, running with others provides motivation and encouragement and makes the miles go by faster. The overall vibe of the group was great. Upbeat, happy even joyful. Now that I say that out loud (in my head at least) — it makes total sense! 

How to Find a Run Club

Finding the right run club for you can be as easy as searching online platforms like Facebook and Strava. These platforms are excellent for discovering local groups and joining virtual challenges. If you prefer a more social atmosphere, many local breweries host run clubs, though coffee houses are becoming popular for early morning runs.

Run Clubs I’m Currently In

Honestly, after a little over 2 years I have found myself participating not in just one run club but two! Additionally, I’m also in some virtual Strava clubs as well. It’s like buying running shoes.. they keep multiplying! The local ones are: 

  • Fount Run Club: A vibrant community that meets the First + Third Tuesday of each month in front of Fount Coffee in Morrisville, NC.
  • Trail + Ultra Fun Fam Run Club (TUFF): This group was created for trail and ultra runners (as well as those trail +/or ultra curious) in and around Raleigh to help organize group runs, find others to meet up with, or schedule time when we know others will be out there looking out for each other.

My Tips for Joining a Run Club

So, should you join a run club?. Yes!  But, before you dive in, consider your running goals. Attend a few sessions of different clubs to see which one feels right. Engage with the group, introduce yourself, and participate actively to get the most out of the experience. Be yourself, since you can’t be someone else! 

Final Thoughts: 

There is something to be said for running alone. I personally have come to enjoy the peace and tranquility that comes with it. Sometimes I’ll even stop during a run, and just be still, letting myself take it all in. The sights and smells help solidify the moments and make memories. 

That being said, joining a run club can transform your running experience. The people you meet and the conversations you’ll have can’t be found anywhere else. Trust me on this! I encourage you to explore local options and find a group that fits your lifestyle and goals. 


PS:  If by chance you are local and or visiting the area and want to go for a short little jaunt, I’d be more than happy to meet up with you. 🙂 

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