Nothing better than low humidtiy and cooler temps.. and even though I know it’s not going to stick around, I did enjoy my running this past week.  I hope you did too!

Strava Stats – August 19, 2024 – August 25, 2024

  • 35.37 miles ran
  • 9hr 26m time on feet
  •  1954 ft elevation

Workouts & Run Recap: 

  • Mon: Rest Day – Stretching/Yoga.
  • Tue: 1:05 – intervals tempo.  Went pretty well. Actually ahead of pace I think!
  • Wed: 30 mins – easy peezy!  GREAT weather too!
  • Thur: 1:05 mins – another nice day, pace was a little quicker than scheduled, thus making me back 5 mins sooner.  But all good.
  • Fri: 50 mins – I really didn’t want to run today. but went. Only 42 mins. Turned too early. In the zone I guess
  • Sat: 2hr:45mins – did a large loop out my front door. Knocked out 14+ miles. Felt mostly good, glute little tired towards end. Kevin joined me.
  • Sun: 1hr – went to TUFF run club. Single track out and back. Fun!  Felt fast, but wasn’t!

Overall Recap

Last week went by really quick, but that happens apparently as we age!

Also, I got together with the guys from the BRR team to discuss logistics of the trip and whatnot.  TBH… I am now a bit more nervous as the inclines are prob more than I’m expecting. That being said, I’ll get it done and if I have to walk/hike a bit, so be it.  Forward is a pace.. right?!

Lastly, I did start working on the video from SC125 — should will have that done next week!

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