Wrapping up another week of training runs, and while my mileage ticked up ever so slightly, I have to say, my hatred for humidity has reached new heights. It's just a gross element that I'm 100% over for the season. Fall and winter can't come soon enough! Of course, knowing me, I'll probably complain about not feeling my fingers once the cold sets in. Oh, the joys of being a runner in the summer in the south!

Strava Stats –Jul 8, 2024 – Jul 14, 2024

  • 27 miles ran
  • 5:30  time on feet
  • 1327 ft elevation

Workouts & Run Recap: 

  • Mon: Rest Day
  • Tue: 50 mins – not too bad. Had to repeat my mantra “Hodak this hill” a few times on the 55.
  • Wed: 30 mins – I felt heavy & slow. Probably due to what I at the the night before!
  • Thur: 50 mins – 75% humidity – almost refreshing!
  • Fri: 45 mins –  A short lived break in humidity and add some lightning above it was a little spooky!
  • Sat: 90 mins – 98% humidity. brutal.  decent distance, but hard. tried another new flavor of LMNT. Salty Spicy Mango. Review coming soon.
  • Sun: 45 mins – 90% humidity. I varied the route this time it had more hills which did slow me down a bit, which I was fine with.

Overall Recap

I'm feeling fatigued and the fact that there was only 1 rest day scheduled this week is probably why. Might have to mention it to my coach.  Also could use a massage!

I did start tracking macros, specifically my protein. I have been way low on that for too long, but the past 2-3 days I’m doing much better. Knowledge is power, right?

On the bummer side of things, I did absolutely no weights this week. WTAH? I know I need it but yet resist.  I wonder if I need that “donate to a cause I don’t agree with” to motivate myself!”

For now, I’m stating it here, drawing a line in the proverbial sand: starting tomorrow (July 15th) .. I am committing to a minimum of 3 days a week to lift.  That might mean 2 workouts a day – run in morning and lift in afternoon, so be it!

I’m only helping my own cause, right?!

Have a great week y’all!

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