Well that week went by quickly and I’m totally okay with it.  It always amazing me how fast time can go by when one is engaged in something vs how time can be ever so slow when we are bored.  I’m not against being bored per sey… but ya.. I like the feeling being engaged a bit more.

Strava Stats – October 14 – 20, 2024

  • 9.69  miles ran
  • 1hr 46min  time on feet
  • 554 ft elevation

Workouts & Run Recap: 

  • Mon – 1 mile walk.
  • Tue – 2.18 Fount Run Club ( + 1 mile dog)
  • Wed – Dog walk
  • Thur – F3: 3 miles — thought it was boot camp!
  • Fri – dog
  • Sat – 5 miles 
  • Sun – dog 2 miles

Overall Recap

Looking forward to increasing the miles, time on feet and preparing for the event in November!   Also congrats to my friend Kevin who crushed the Uwharie 100, coming in 3rd place!   

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