Well, yet another week of training runs is in the books, and while my mileage is up by a solid 10 miles, I'm still not enjoying the levels of humidity my state is producing this days.  Maybe, just maybe it’ll come in handy during the BRR in two months!

Strava Stats – Jul 1, 2024 – Jul 7, 2024

  • 24 miles ran
  • 5hrs 15 mins time on feet
  • 1341 ft elevation

Workouts & Run Recap: 

  • Mon: Rest day.  Stretched. Intention for weights was there, even on calendar, but sadly didn’t happen. 🙁
  • Tue:  50 mins – Intervals.  Just dandy.. cool weather and lowish humidity.
  • Wed : 30 mins. Nice and easy, though I started a bit slow, I felt stronger towards the end.
  • Thur: Rest day. Stretched.
  • Fri: 46 mins: Intervals.  78º and 80% humidity.  Meh.
  • Sat 90 min: RPE 5-6.  Ran with a group at Umstead. Was super hot. Was Brutal.  Went past my time by 12 mins as I had to walk a bit but did cover 7.47 miles.  TBH, it sucked the life out of me and I took 2 naps afterwards!
  • Sun: 40 mins: RPE 5-6. 80º w/95% humidity. Got it done.

Overall Recap:

I’m fatigued, and apparently my coach said that is to be expected after the last 2 weeks. Those intervals are tough.  Also, it's crazy how weather really can affect your performance.

My main takeaway is that I (we) need to do what feels right, and not push too hard as it may lead to injury or worse. Also rest/recovery is vital and shouldn’t lead to guilt.

Sedona Canyon 125M open slots: 24. 

This will be the last week I share this line item/stat, as I finally went ahead and registered for it!  Not sure why I was so hesitant, probably just the thoughts of how it didn't go well this year.  But that is in the past. I've learned from that experience.   2025 redemption will be had! LFG! 

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