Why hello there!

As I've indicated to a bunch of people lately I intend to lean into the content creation of this site. That starts today with the first weekly recap.

This idea came to me today during either my run this morning or while walking the dog afterward, I can't remember! Figure it would be a great way to share how the training is going and to hold myself accountable as well.

Other forms of content I am planning will be the standard content creator stuff…. videos from running routes, run-club event runs, and of course product reviews. Oh, and I'm toying with the idea of a podcast called “Running with Adam” where I chat with some whilst on a slow run.

All that being said, let's recap last week

Strava Stats June 3 – June 9, 2024

  • 20.4 miles
  • 5hrs 21 min
  • 1213ft gain

Overall, last week was a bit light in the mileage count as my coach forgot to add my assignments to my Training Peaks calendar. To be honest, I was okay with it as I am still working through a few things mentally from the SC125 and I have 5.5 months until the next race. The miles included 3 dog walks, 3 runs one F3 HIIT workout.

Workouts & Run Recap: 

  • Tues June 4: Fount Run Club. I set a 2nd fastest PB! I didn't intend to go out as fast as I did, but it happened. Felt overall pretty good at the end of it too.
  • Wed June 5: F3 HIIT Workout. Joined up with the fellas from F3 for 45 min boot camp. Wasn't too hard, but I was sore the next day as it's more core work than I've done in a while!
  • Friday June 7: Solo 30 min run. I chose the time/distance but my coach saw it afterward and suggested I slow it down. No need to be so quick in this block of training.
  • Sat – Jun 8: 90 mins coach assigned: This worked out well as the TUFF run club had a saturday run/potluck event. Technically, I really only needed about 5.5 miles, but as I was with 3 other people and we got to talking, we missed a turn and did 7.69 miles. Most of it was single track and it was glorious! I did grab a nap a few hours later at home, but only due to me not sleeping well for the past week or two. I'll share more on sleep in another blog post soon.

Overall the week was okay.. not terrible. Not great. Though I had good intentions of lifting some weights, it never happened. I REALLY need to get on that. Sooner vs later.

Also, my diet/nutrition needs a bit of work. I've gained a few pounds(!), but mostly due to not burning as many calories over the past 2 weeks. Not too worried about it overall, but pants don't lie!

Lastly, as of this writing, there are 66 spots open to register for Sedona Canyon 125M. Will I attempt it again? I'm currently at an 85%-90% yes… though not sure why I am waiting to register. Scared maybe?

Well, that is for this first edition of the weekly recap. Looking forward to sharing more moving forward.

Happy training and miles.

See ya next week.
